Bath Trade Unions Council: 17 June 2021

Present Sisters Phillips (Unite, Treasurer), Campbell (Unison), Brothers Carley (UCU, Secretary), Bampfylde (Unite, Chair), Fraser (UCU), Lucas (Unite).

Apologies Brothers Russell, Gurney, Sister Williams


Accepted with one correction (the Snow Hill campaign proposed to withhold money but did not need to do so).

Branch reports

UCU (Bath)

Currently unknown if members will refuse to teach if and when students return to on-campus teaching. It is likely that there
will be national ballots on action over pensions and pay.

UCU (Swindon)

After a 43% turnout on a consultative ballot, the branch is moving to statutory ballot on pay and conditions, one of eleven branches balloting, of which five are in the South West.

Unison (AWP)

The new branch now has an administrator. The left vote was split in the union’s General Secretary election but the union’s democratic structures are now to the left. Unison is now supporting the Kill The Bill campaign and BDS. It is also supporting the NHS demonstrations on 3 July.

Unite Community

The union is now building on the campaign to keep the £20 uplift to Universal Credit and expanding it to “legacy benefits”.


It appears that the collapse in tourism during the pandemic has hit the council’s finances leading to pressure on council workers. Union membership is increasing, in part because care homes have been returned to council control.

Treasurer’s report

The council has £884 in the bank.

May Day event

Agreed to send the link to the video of the event to members.

Any other business

Agreed to support the 3 July demonstration in support of the NHS. A demonstration is planned on the Drax estate on Tolpuddle weekend.